MineCraft's Friendly Server -

Item numbers in light blue are not available without cheating.
(?) - We don't know the name :(. Help us?

1 - Smooth Stone
2 - Grassy Dirt
3 - Dirt
4 - Cobblestone
5 - Wooden Planks
6 - Tree Sapling
7 - Adminium (Bedrock) - BANNED
8 - Flowing Water
9 - Still Water - BANNED
10 - Flowing Lava - BANNED
11 - Still Lava - BANNED
12 - Sand
13 - Gravel
14 - Gold Ore
15 - Iron Ore
16 - Coal Ore
17 - Tree Logs
18 - Leaves
19 - Sponge
20 - Glass
35 - Cloth
37 - Yellow Flower
38 - Red Rose
39 - Brown Mushroom
40 - Red Mushroom
41 - Gold Block
42 - Iron Block
43 - Double Halfsteps
44 - Halfstep
45 - Brick Block
47 - Bookshelf
48 - Mossy Cobblestone
49 - Obsidian
50 - Torch
51 - Fire - BANNED
52 - Spawner
53 - Wooden Stairs
54 - Chest
55 - Redstone Wire
56 - Diamond Ore
57 - Diamond Block
58 - Crafting Bench / Workbench
59 - Crops
60 - Soil
61 - Furnace
62 - Burning Furnace
63 - (?)
64 - Half Wooden Door
65 - Ladder
66 - Track
67 - Stone Stairs
68 - (?)
69 - Switch
70 - Stone Pressure Plate
71 - (?)
72 - Wooden Pressure Plate
73 - Redstone Ore
74 - Glowing Redstone Ore
75 - Redstone Torch (Off / Non-Glowing)
76 - Redstone Torch (On / Glowing)
77 - Stone Button
78 - Snow
79 - Ice
80 - Snow Block
81 - Cactus
82 - Clay
83 - Reeds
84 - Jukebox
85 - Fence
86  - Netherstone
87 - Slow Sand
88 - Lightstone
90 - Portal
91 - Pumpkin (jack-o-lantern)
256 - Iron Spade (Shovel)
257 - Iron Pickaxe
258 - Iron Axe
259 - Flint and Steel - BANNED
260 - Apple
261 - Bow
262 - Arrow
263 - Coal
264 - Diamond Ingots
265 - Iron Bar
266 - Gold Bar
267 - Iron Sword
268 - Wooden Sword
269 - Wooden Spade (Shovel)
270 - Wooden Pickaxe
271 - Wooden Axe
272 - Stone Sword
273 - Stone Spade (Shovel)
274 - Stone Pickaxe
275 - Stone Axe
276 - Diamond Sword
277 - Diamond Spade (Shovel)
278 - Diamond Pickaxe
279 - Diamond Axe
280 - Stick
281 - Bowl
282 - Soup
283 - Gold Sword
284 - Gold Spade (Shovel)
285 - Gold Pickaxe
286 - Gold Axe
287 - String
288 - Feather
289 - Sulfur
290 - Wooden Hoe
291 - Stone Hoe
292 - Iron Hoe
293 - Diamond Hoe
294 - Gold Hoe
295 - Seeds
296 - Wheat
297 - Bread
298 - Leather Helmet
299 - Leather Chest Plate
300 - Leather Pants
301 - Leather Boots
302 - Chain-mail Helmet
303 - Chain-mail Chest Plate
304 - Chain-mail Pants
305 - Chain-mail Boots
306 - Iron Helmet
307 - Iron Chest Plate
308 - Iron Pants
309 - Iron Boots
310 - Diamond Helmet
311 - Diamond Chest Plate
312 - Diamond Pants
313 - Diamond Boots
314 - Gold Helmet
315 - Gold Chest Plate
316 - Gold Pants
317 - Gold Boots
318 - Flint
319 - Raw Pork Chop
320 - Grilled Pork Chop
321 - Painting
322 - Golden Apple
323 - Sign
324 - Wooden Door
325 - Iron Bucket
326 - Water Bucket
327 - Lava Bucket - BANNED
328 - Mine-Cart
329 - Leather Saddle
330 - Iron Door
